Free Music

When you Register for free on our site, you gain access to your My KTabS page, which will look like this:

The icons will help you add friends and upload your own KTabS music once you get there.

But we're after the free music, so the next step is to scroll down to the bottom part of the My KTabS page. From there you can download hundreds of free KTabS files to play with either KTabS or the KTabS Reader. Free KTabS music comes in two forms: Individual song files and KPacks.

Individual Song Files: You and other KTabS users can post free music on your My KTabS page and choose to share it with others. Scroll down to "Other Music" on the My KTabS page and you will see song titles and templates that have been posted by us and by other users. Just click on a title to open that file with KTabS or the KTabS Reader. You can use the "Kalimba" dropdown box to show the songs that can be played with specific kalimba types.

Read about some of our Featured KTabS Music that can be downloaded for free from your My KTabS page.

KPacks:Scroll down to the KPacks section on the My KTabS page and you will see groups of song files that you can install for free on your computer. For example, installing the free Treble Kalimba Hymnal will save 50 KTabS hymns on your computer at one time which can then be opened individually with KTabS or the KTabS Reader.

KPackS available for free download:

Treble Kalimba Hymns
Alto Kalimba Hymns
11-Note Diatonic Kalimba Hymns
8-Note Kalimba Hymns
Beautiful E Sansula Hymns
Kalimba Duets and Trios
Pentatonic Patterns
Treble Children's Songs

It's that easy to get free KTabS music!

Look for more amazing KTabS music and instructional files available for purchase at the KTabS Store. Music that you purchase immediately becomes available in the KPacks section of your My KTabS page.

Register now to access your My KTabS page.

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