Learn More About KTabS

KTabS uses kalimba tablature, which is much easier to read than traditional music notation. Folks who have never played the kalimba before can pick out their first tune with this very common-sense approach to the instrument. You are basically looking at a picture of your kalimba, with the notes right on the tines to be played.

KTabS lets you see the kalimba tablature and hear what the music sounds like at the same time!

KTabS Features:

If your kalimba has anywhere from three to thirty-four tines, you can configure tablature to match your instrument.

With KTabS you can quickly enter notes and rests, and add music notation such as ties, dots, beams, triplets, and repeats .

Our program keeps track of measures for you, automatically inserting barlines where they are needed. KTabS allows you to change the time signature and will adjust the barlines in your music accordingly.

Our Playback feature allows you to hear what your composition sounds like and lets you adjust the playback tempo .

KTabS will play back more than one KTabS file at the same time. This means you can open a kalimba duet written in two parts and hear them both played together. You can even play a trio or quartet!

With Play Delay, you have the option of having KTabS count down a specified number of seconds before the music playback begins. This gives you time to pick up your kalimba and play along with KTabS.

KTabS helps you take your composition for one type of kalimba and transfer it to another type.

Our Transpose feature allows you to shift your music up or down in intervals so you can see and hear it in different keys and octaves.

With KTabS you can easily print out the music you have created.

Add lyrics to your music that will scroll along with KTabS as the notes are played and will print out with your music if you want them to.

KTabS is a powerful tool for creating kalimba music, but can also be used in simple ways by beginners to improve their playing. Use KTabS to slow down the playback tempo of a piece you are learning, and insert a repeat count to have KTabS play a section as many times as you want. Learn from other kalimba players by viewing and playing along with kalimba instructional materials available from the KTabS Store.

We have created extensive online documentation for KTabS, including a User Guide and a KTabS Tutorial. We also have basic instructions to get you started using KTabS with KPacks (groups of KTabS files that can be installed at one time).

KTabS makes it easy to connect with other kalimba players. When logged in to our site, you can upload your KTabS music to your My KTabS page, as well as download songs posted by other KTabS users. With KTabS, you are part of a kalimba community where musical ideas are easy to exchange. Read about the free KTabS music available for registered KTabS users.

KTabS is the only software of its kind and gives you so many musical possiblities to explore! Never before has it been this easy to do so much with kalimba music!

Click here to see screen shots of KTabS.

Try KTabS for free for 15 days and purchase KTabS from the KTabS Store for just $30.

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KTabS Copyright © 2006 - 2010 By Randall W. Eaton All rights reserved. ktabs@theirhouse.org