KTabS Tutorial - Saving and Loading KTabS Files

Saving a Template

Once you have used the "Kalimba Configuration" window to configure your kalimba tablature, you can save the configuration as a template.  Click the "Save Template" button at the bottom of the "Kalimba Configuration" window to open a "Save As" window.

Name your file and click "Save".  KTabS will save your file as a .ktt file.  This file can be opened any time you want to enter music on that type of tablature configuration.

After you have saved your template, KTabS will send you back to the "Kalimba Configuration" window.  If you want to start entering music now, click the "OK" button and blank kalimba tablature will open that matches the configuration you just saved.

Example:  We saved our configuration for a 15 tine kalimba, and now we will click "OK".

Blank tablature opens up that matches our 15 tine kalimba configuration.  Now we can enter music for our kalimba.

Loading a Template

Whenever you want to use a template you have saved, open the "Kalimba Configuration" window and click the button at the bottom that says "Load Template".  You will see an "Open" window that you can use to open your saved template.

The settings you now see in the "Kalimba Configuration" window are those of your template.  Click "OK" to open tablature that matches this configuration.

Saving Music You are Creating

Once you have started entering music into blank tablature, you can save that music.  Click the "Save"  icon on the Top Toolbar.  A "Save As" window will open.

Name your music file and click "Save".  KTabS will save your music file as a .ktb file.  (Saving your music will not affect the original template you loaded.  Templates can be loaded any time you want to enter music on that type of tablature configuration).

Author Information

You can add a song title and authorship information to your music file, as well as select whether you want to save the file in a special format. The information you enter will be saved with your music file. Author, Arranger, Title, and Copywrite fields will also be part of your printed music. It is not required that you enter information in any or all of the fields.

Click the "Author Info" icon on the Top Toolbar to open the "Author Information" window.

Author's Name- Enter the name of the person who wrote the music. This will appear in the upper right corner of your printed music.

Arranger's Name- Enter the name of the person who arranged the music. For example, if you have made a version of a Bach song for the kalimba, then Bach would be the Author and you would be the Arranger.The Arranger's name will appear after the Author's name in the upper right corner of your printed music.

Title- Enter the title of your music. This will appear in the upper left corner of your printed music.

Copyright Notice- A typical copyright statement reads "Copyright 2006 by (Your Name). All rights reserved." Whatever you enter here will print at the bottom of your music.

Only Owner Can Open- check this box if you would like the file to be saved in a special format that will allow the file to only be opened on your computer.

Read Only- check this box if you would like the file to be saved in a special "Read Only" format. That means anyone you share the file with can play the music but not edit or print out the music.

Opening a Saved Music File

To open a music file you have saved, click the "Open"  icon on the Top Toolbar.  An "Open" window will appear.

Select the file you wish to open, and click the "Open" button.

Saving to BMP

You can save your music as a bitmap image.  While your music file is open, click the "Save to BMP"  icon on the Top Toolbar.  A "Save As BMP" window will open and allow you to save your music as a bitmap image.

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