KTabS News

December 4, 2024 - KTabS is now FREE!
The KTabS program is now free! Thank you to all of our users and hope you continue to enjoy it.

January 26, 2010 - New Look for the KTabS Website!
We thought we'd start out the new year with a fresh, simplified look for the KTabS site so you'll be sure to find all the cool stuff you're searching for! Our one-of-a-kind KTabS Software, free music, the My KTabS page, the free Reader, the KTabS Store-- it's all here!

April 23, 2009 - Version 1.0.13 Now Available!

This is a minor release. You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

April 22, 2009 - The KTabS Reader is now FREE!

This is awesome! Now you can play KTabS music for FREE by downloading the KTabS Reader.

We already offer many FREE KTabS music downloads, and now you can play these files for FREE! The Reader is a powerful playback program, even allowing you to link files together to hear duets played right on your computer! Our Play Delay feature makes it easy for you to play your kalmba along with the music. For more info on how to use the KTabS Reader, check out our KTabS Reader Guide.

If you want to be able to make changes to music files such as adjusting the playback speed, or if you want to print out kalimba sheet music, of if you want to create your own kalmba music and hear KTabS play it, then check out our full KTabS software. This program is packed with features that make it well worth the $30 price. And, you can Try KTabS Now for 15 days for free.

June 6, 2008 - KTabS Version 1.0.12 Now Available!

This is a minor release that fixes two bugs. You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

February 28, 2008 - Introducing the Treble Kalimba Hymnal!

Now you can download fifty hymns for your treble kalimba! For Free! Click here for more information.

May 26, 2007 - KTabS Version 1.0.11 Now Available!

This is a minor release that has a new feature: lyrics! Now you can click to the right of each note row and add lyrics to your song or make comments about your music.

You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

April 9, 2007 - KTabS Version 1.0.10 Now Available!

This is a minor release that fixes a registration bug and adds two new features to the program. Now when you open a KTabS file you can select more than one file to open at a time. This is particularly handy when you are opening all the files for a duet or trio. Also, there is a now a link to our online documentation under the "Help" menu of the KTabS program.

You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

February 6, 2007 - Duets KPack Now Available!

Mark Holdaway's new book Kalimba Duets and Trios is now available, and it is awesome! It has a great variety of music for all types of kalimbas. This little instrument has always amazed me, but Mark has taken the kalimba to a whole new level with the music in his book.

You can download the KTabS files that go along with Mark's Duet book FOR FREE from your MyKTabS page. KTabS will play all the parts of the kalimba duet or trio on your computer and scroll through the music as it is playing. It is a fantastic way to hear the piece as a whole and get a feel for the music. And playing along with KTabS is a great way to practice-- you play your part and KTabS will play the rest.

To download the Duets files, go to the MyKTabS page . (You will need to login or register in order to access the MyKTabS page). Scroll down to the KPack section and find the "Duets" KPack. Just click on the name "Duets" to download the files and install them as a group on your computer.

If you don't already have the KTabS software, you can download a trial version by clicking here. The trial version will play the duets for 15 days. The full version of KTabS is available for purchase for just $30.

The KTabS Reader will also play the Duets files, and it is available for purchase for only $5.

To learn how to use KTabS to play multiple files at the same time, check out the "Playing Multiple Files Together" section of our online User Documentation. If you have any questions about how to use KTabS or how to view the new Duets KPack, feel free to contact us.

The book version of Mark's Duets and Trios can be purchased at his website, KalimbaMagic.com.

January 3, 2007 - KTabS Version 1.0.9 Now Available!

This is a minor release that fixes several issues with triplets and improves the scrolling. Now you can always see several lines of tablature ahead of the highlighted row during playback, making it easier to play along with KTabS. You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

September 7, 2006 - Introducing the KTabS Reader!

We are proud to introduce the KTabS Reader, now available for just $5 from our KTabS Store. The KTabS Reader is designed to view and play files created by the KTabS program. More about the KTabS Reader

September 7, 2006 - Music from Mark's Books Now Available in KTabS

Mark Holdaway has produced several excellent books for the kalimba. Now you can purchase the KTabS files of the music from these books. These files are viewable with both KTabS and the KTabS Reader. This is an excellent way to get the most out of Mark's books. When you view a file with our software, you are able to see the tablature from the book on your computer screen. KTabS lets you play back the music, which is a different experience from hearing the music performed on a CD. KTabS gives you a more interactive playback of the music-- you can follow along line by line as the music is played, and start and stop the music at any point. With KTabS, it is also possible to hear more than one music file played at the same time. So any time Mark has an arrangement for a song in multiple parts, you can use KTabS to hear what they are supposed to sound like all together. Visit the KTabS Store to see which books are currently available in KTabS format.

September 7, 2006 - KTabS Version 1.0.6 Now Available!

This is a minor release that adds a new feature-- now you can play more than one open .ktb file at the same time. This allows you to hear both parts of a duet played together. You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

August 29, 2006 - KTabS Version 1.0.5 Now Available!

This is a minor release that makes printing more efficient. You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

August 18, 2006 - KTabS Version 1.0.4 Now Available!

This is a minor release that fixes several issues with printing and adds a new Scaling feature. You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

August 09, 2006 - KTabS Version 1.0.3 Now Available!

This is a minor bug fix release that fixes some problems with the program crashing. You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

August 07, 2006 - Get More Out of KTabS with KPacks

We have begun putting together free packages of KTabS music files that can be downloaded and installed for use with KTabS. Each package is created for a specific type of kalimba. For example, if you use a Hugh Tracey Treble or Pentatonic kalimba, we already have a KPack for you to download. Log into your MY KTabS page to learn more and see what KPacks are available.

August 07, 2006 - KTabS Version 1.0.2 Now Available!

This is a minor bug fix release that also includes a few enhancements. You can view a list of changes here.

If you have already purchased Version 1.0.x this is a free upgrade. Just download the new version and you are good to go.

July 14, 2006 - KTabS Version 1.0.0 Now Available!

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KTabS Copyright © 2006 - 2010 By Randall W. Eaton All rights reserved. ktabs@theirhouse.org