MenusWhen you first open KTabS, only three menu titles are shown at the top. Once you have opened a music file you will get a longer list of menu options. "File" Menu
"Edit" Menu
"View" Menu
"Insert" Menu
- sets the number of times a section will be repeated - displays the time signature next to the selected barline - displays the tempo next to the selected note row or barline - changes a barline to an open repeat sign - changes a barline to a closed repeat sign - changes a barline to a close/open repeat sign - barline that will not be adjusted automatically by KTabS - adds a blank note row below the selected row - adds a blank note row above the selected row - adds 4 blank note rows above the selected row - adds 8 blank note rows above the selected row - adds 12 blank note rows above the selected row - adds 16 blank note rows above the selected row
- tells about the current version of KTabS - allows user to register the KTabS program - displays KTabS End-User License Agreement |
The Context Menu is accessed by right clicking the mouse anywhere on a music file that is being edited.
- makes a copy of one or more selected rows |