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KTabS is our Kalimba Tablature Software that allows you to easily create kalimba music on your computer. Inspired by the kalimba tablature created by Mark Holdaway, KTabS helps you customize tablature for your kalimba and compose, edit, play back, and print out your kalimba music with simple clicks of the mouse.

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Great video by Mark over at Kalimba Magic showing how to create music with KTabS
Click to watch!
Free Music
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KTabS Reader
Play KTabS music for free with the play-only version of our software!
KTabS Store
Access hundreds more kalimba instructional files and music for KTabS!
KTabS System Requirements
KTabS is compatible with
Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 and 8
For sound playback your sound card must support MIDI playback

Version History (1.0.14)

January 26, 2010
New Look for the KTabS Website
April 23, 2009
KTabS Version 1.0.13 now available!
April 22, 2009
The KTabS Reader is now FREE!
June 6, 2008
Version 1.0.12 Now Available!

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KTabS Copyright © 2006 - 2010 By Randall W. Eaton All rights reserved. ktabs@theirhouse.org